quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2016

PxG - Guia Craft Food (Adventurerer)

Normal Stove (não exclusivo)



Grilled Steak: 1 plate, 1 raw steak and 1 salt

Hamburger: 1 raw steak and 1 salt

Sausage: 1 raw steak

Hotdog: 1 ketchup, 1 hotdog bread and 1 sausage

Hambuerger: 1 lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 bread, 1 hamburger and 1 cheese

Fries: 1 big plate, 2 salt and 10 potato

Salad: 1 big plate, 2 lettuce, 3 onion and 5 tomato

Ketchup: 1 salt, 1 pepper and 5 tomato

Tomato Sauce: 10 tomato

Condensed milk: 5 sugar and 1 miltank milk

Lollipop: 5 sugar

Orange Juice: 1 glass and 5 orange

Grape Juice: 1 glass, 7 grapes and 1 sugar

Clean Stove (Vermilion City)
Exclusivo para Aventureiros



Grilled Steak: 1 plate, 1 raw steak and 1 salt

Hamburger: 1 raw steak and 1 salt

Sausage: 1 raw steak

Hotdog: 1 ketchup, 1 hotdog bread and 1 sausage

Hamburger: 1 lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 bread, 1 hamburger and 1 cheese

Pikaburger: 1 plate, 1 lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 bread, 1 hamburger, 1 cheese, 1 ketchup and 100 electric 
rat tail

Beef: 1 big plate, 4 grilled steak and 1 salt

Fries: 1 big plate, 2 salt, 10 potato

Cheesy steak: 1 grilled steak and 5 cheese

Parmegiana steak: 1 cheesy steak, 1 tomato sauce, 1 onion, 1 pepper, 2 egg and 1 flour

Spaghetti: 1 plate, 1 flour, 1 salt and 1 egg

Sugo spaghetti: 1 spaghetti, 2 tomato sauce, 1 onion and 5 pepper

Spaghetti and meatballs: 1 sugo spaghetti and 5 hamburger

Salad: 1 big plate, 2 lettuce, 3 onion and 5 tomato

Beef salad: 1 beef and 1 salad

Beef in 4-cheese sauce: 1 beef and 4 cheese

Beef in tomato sauce: 1 beef, 1 tomato sauce, 2 onion and 2 pepper

Pizza: 1 salt, 2 flour, 3 egg, 1 tomato sauce, 2 tomato, 2 onion and 5 sausage

Roasted Magikarp: 1 salad, 100 magikarp fin, 2 pepper and 1 salt

Grilled Gyarados tail: 5 flour, 5 egg, 1 salad, 1 salt and 2 gyarados tail

Shoyu tentacles: 1 shoyu, 1 salad, 1 salt and 1 tentacruel tentacle

Fried Omanyte: 1 helix fossil, 5 flour, 5 salt, 1 salad and 1 shoyu

Roasted Shiny Magikarp: 1 salad, 100 shiny magikarp fin, 2 pepper and 1 salt

Tauros Meat: 4 bull tail, 1 tomato sauce, 5 pepper, 5 onion and 1 shoyu

Shoyu: 2 soy and 1 salt

Ketchup: 1 salt, pepper and 5 tomato

Tomato sauce: 10 tomato

Condensed milk: 5 sugar and 1 miltank milk

Petit gateau: 1 plate, 1 sugar, 5 chocolate bar, 1 flour, 2 egg and 1 eevee cream

Milk pudding: 1 plate, 2 egg, 1 flour, 1 water bottle, 2 condensed milk, 5 miltank milk and 2 sugar

Chocolat mousse: 1 pot, 1 spoon, 5 chocolate bar and 1 condensed milk

Lollipop: 5 sugar

Strawberry cake: 1 plate, 2 flour, 4 egg, 4 sugar and 15 strawberry

Chocolat cake: 1 plate, 2 flour, 4 egg, 4 sugar and 5 chocolat bar

Apple pie: 1 plate, 2 flour, 4 egg, 4 sugar and 15 apple

Wine bottle: 100 grape

Strawberry Juice: 1 big glass, 1 miltank milk, 5 strawberry, 1 sugar and 1 condensed milk

Chocolat milkshake: 1 big glass, 1 miltank milk, 10 chocolat bar and 1 condensed milk

Orange juice: 1 glass and 5 orange

Grape juice: 1 glass, 7 grape and 1 sugar

Watermelon juice: 1 glass, 1 watermelon and 1 sugar

Strawberry juice: 1 glass, 5 strawberry, 1 condensed milk and 1 miltank milk

Fruits basket: 1 basket, 10 orange 10 apple, 10 strawberry, 1 watermelon and 10 grape


Apple: 5 minutos e 10 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $3

Beer Bottle: 1 minuto. Cura 1 por segundo e deixa bêbado. Preço: $25

Bread: 5 minutos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $3

Cheese: 16 minutos e 40 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $10

Grape: 1 minuto e 40 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $2

Hotdog Bread: 5 minutos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $3

Lettuce: 10 minutos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $6

Miltank Milk: 6 minutos e 40 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $4

Potato: 4 minutos e 10 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $2

Strawberry: 6 minutos e 40 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $4

Watermelon: 41 minutos e 30 segundos. Cura 1 por segundo. Preço: $25 

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